The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65693   Message #1085973
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
04-Jan-04 - 05:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Its Americas' oil?
Subject: RE: BS: Its Americas' oil?
Round here price is roughly 75p a litre, works out as $6.56 a gallon. That's what I meant by my post about how it would help things along if people in the States had to pay that sort of price.

It was supposed to keep on going up on a regular basis, as part of an effort to push us towards wasting less petrol, but the givernment chickened out on the commitment, because it wasn't too popular with some people.

As see it, it'd be nice to have it cheaper and all - but it's just not fair to our children, and that matters more than present convenience.