The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65485   Message #1086439
Posted By: Arnie
05-Jan-04 - 11:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is there life on Mars?
Subject: RE: BS: Is there life on Mars?
Now we learn that Beagle 2 was only protected by 3 airbags and no retro-rockets. The US rover Spirit had 24 airbags and retro-rockets to help it down to a soft landing. Additionally it was in constant contact with mission control and last minute adjustments, such as opening the parachute early, were thus possible. I know that Beagle was only a quarter of the cost of Spirit, but if it turns out that economy cost the entire mission, then all that time, effort and £45 million was quite simply a waste. Sometimes bigger is not only best but essential.... Anyway congratulations to the US team - a magnificent effort and we can all look forward to some colour (or even color!) snapshots next week.