The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13289   Message #108646
Posted By: Jeri
26-Aug-99 - 09:41 AM
Thread Name: 'Due South' Song About Riding Forever
Subject: RE: 'Due South' Song About Riding Forever
George, I'm glad to hear the show is alive and well in Canada. It probably got dropped from US TV because it isn't glitzy enough. I've heard folks talking about another episode with Stan Roger's 'Barrett's Privateers' being sung in a bar.

Jeremiah, thanks for the lyrics. I'd still like to buy the recording. I loved all those guys on the train hitting the chorus at full steam (so to speak). They got gassed into unconciousness in the beginning of the show, and at the end, all woke up at the same time and continued singing where they'd left off.

SingsIrishSongs - we were watching the same show!

Katlaughing - the show is on TNT (as Susan-Marie pointed out) at 6PM EST. That'd be 5PM Central, 4PM Mountain, 3PM Pacific.