The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65626   Message #1086485
Posted By: Teribus
05-Jan-04 - 12:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: JFK may have saved the world?
Subject: RE: BS: JFK may have saved the world?
Little Hawk statements made in your two posts, 31 Dec 03 - 05:59 PM, where you state:

"The USA attacked Iraq not because of any actual need, not on behalf of Iraquis themselves, not in self-defence, but for direct gain for the USA and the Bush administration...according to how they saw it."

and 05 Jan 04 - 11:27 AM, where you state:

"You ask "What has America gained in Iraq?"

Darned if I know!"

Which is it?

In turn you asked me what I thought the US might think they would gain.

1. Closure and compliance by Iraq of all outstanding terms and conditions of UN Security Council Resolutions.

2. Removal of a regime that advocated the destruction of the State of Israel and who pursued that aim by supporting terrorist groups.

3. Establishment of a representative and democractically elected government in Iraq. The sovereignty of that state within existing boundaries being guaranteed by the USA

All the above enhance the prospects for peace in the region if seen through to fruition.