The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65798   Message #1086492
Posted By: *daylia*
05-Jan-04 - 12:35 PM
Thread Name: Music is 'The Word'?
Subject: Music is 'The Word'?
I'm home battling the flu today, with lots of time on my hands to ponder two of my very favorite topics: Music and Spirituality. Seems they go hand in hand so well, almost to the point where sometimes I'm convinced that Music IS Spirituality!

These ideas I found on the net yesterday are some of the most beautiful I've ever read on the subject of Music, Spirituality and the "mechanics" of Creation. I'd like to share them with the musicians at Mudcat, not because I'm trying to convince anyone they are "fact" or "science", but because I find them so inspiring.

Ideas like this reinforce, for me, just how very vital and important -- and mystical -- music really is. I feel even more motivated as a teacher of music to "do right" by my students, to present the study of music in a way that inspires not only a great love and respect for the art, but an deep desire to continue learning, growing and evolving as a musician throughout life.

I've read comments (from non-musicians) here on Mudcat that music is nothing but "background noise". That hurts, because I know music is so much more! Music is sacred don'tcha know ... the very highest form of "magic" ...

Anyway, here's what I wanted to share:

"Every unit of consciousness is forging a vehicle of sound in the fires of existence in order to participate in the great symphony in the heavens.

In the book Glamour, a World Problem, we read that every human being is "perfecting an instrument whereby the music of the soul and, later, the musical quality of the Hierarchy (the kingdom of superhuman lives) can be heard....sound permeates all forms; the planet itself has its own note or sound; each minute atom also has its sound; each form can be evoked into music and each human being has his peculiar chord and all chords contribute to the great symphony, which the Hierarchy and Humanity are playing, and playing now. Every spiritual group has its own tune....and the groups which are in process of collaborating with the Hierarchy make music ceaselessly.

This rhythm of sound and this myriad of chords and notes blend with the music of the Hierarchy itself and this is a steadily enriching symphony; as the centuries slip away, all these sounds slowly unite and are resolved into each other until some day the planetary symphony which Sanat Kumara [the Lord of the World] is composing will be completed and our Earth will then make a notable contribution to the great chords of the solar system—and this is a part, intrinsic and real, of the music of the spheres.

Then, as the Bible says, the Sons of God, the planetary Logoi, will sing together. This...will be the result of...the correct relation between all parts..."

Love is the energy that ensures this correct relation. Through the power of its own commanding silence, it orchestrates the spiralling, musical relationship between the poles of spirit and matter, regarding every separated unit of consciousness that lies between them as instrumental to the symphony of the whole. As each of us awakens to the conscience of love, we take our place in this conducting force and the great Law of Love ..."

And here's the rest of the article:   The Conscience of Love: Esoteric Perspectives on a Science of Consciousness

Enjoy, and I look forward to reading any comments,
