The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65700   Message #1086627
Posted By: Bobert
05-Jan-04 - 05:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Political Promise(s)
Subject: RE: BS: Political Promise(s)

You apparently haven't been reading the Washington Post. Today's edition is an exception but it's been one story after another about riffs between Dean and Clark Dean ans ________, and locked away records, etc.

What Dean has done that Dennis hasn't is good old fashioned organizin' and using the interent to it's fullest...

Now, I don't want to seem like a Dean apologist becuase he certainly isn't my first choice of the "Anyone But Bush" field but he's the one I think has the best chance to succeed. But I would like to see him do what Bush did in 2000 and announce to the voters what his cabinet might look like. I would love Clark, if he cannot be pursuaded into the VP slot, to be slated as Secretary of Defense, and Ms. Braum HEW, and I'd, if I were Dean, send out a triel baloon to Colin Powell to stick at State but not as Porch Negro but a real Secretary of State...

But, it don't matter, I'll work fir any Dem this time around. Even Joe Lieberman who I find just a cut above Bush...
