The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13271   Message #108681
Posted By: j0_77
26-Aug-99 - 11:52 AM
Thread Name: Fiddle tunes website
Subject: RE: Fiddle tunes website
Oh dat stuff ...hmmm
type this
a href=" "
between the quotation marks put address you want to point to for example
a href=""
then put pointy brackets at each end - I cannot do that cause Max's puter will misunderstand me:( instead using ?.

Next type your own version of, blue clicky thing

?a href="anyblurb"? mario's blue clicky things
next put one of these / and an a after it, /a
finaly put pointy brackets around that bit as well
whole line looks like
?a href="blurb"? clicky stuff ?/a?
all done phew