The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65825   Message #1087498
Posted By: Bob Hitchcock
06-Jan-04 - 07:57 PM
Thread Name: Influences
Subject: RE: Influences
What a really cool thread, thanks for starting it Jerry.

As for myself I would have to say that growing up in the UK it was Hank Marvin of The Shadows who got me started wanting to play guitar (along with just about every kid I grew up with). Eddie Cochran showed me how much energy you could create with a song. Roy Orbison demonstrated a thing called Taste, difficult to define but easily recognized. Wes Montgomery pushed me to play better because I could not understand how anyone could play like that, so I had to try (still trying today). Bob Dylan, you can be outspoken and different, it's OK. John Hiatt, lyrics are very important. And finally, everyone I jammed and sang with over the years far too numerous to mention but each one special in their own way.
