The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65485   Message #1087612
Posted By: Bobert
06-Jan-04 - 11:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is there life on Mars?
Subject: RE: BS: Is there life on Mars?
Well, gol danged!!!...

Ain't this somethin'?....

They say they got a danged golf cart up there on Mars? Hmmmmm? Wonder if Gary Player or Arnolf Palmer got summer homes on Mars???

Ya know what? No? Well, I'll tell ya what since yer seems so interested. My cousin, Rufus, was over here tonight with Rether Mayz and he told me the real deal. It ain't Mars you folks is lookin' at. It's a close up of a sausage pizza from Giovanti's Pizza. Yep, now Rufus ain't no dummy since he was one of the first folks to point out that the faked moon landin' back 'round '69 waz filmed in New Mexico so, yeah, me and the Wes Ginny slide rule has examined the photos and we think it's pizza, too...

Now, I hate to burst nobody's bubble but pizza ain't bad! Really! You ever had it wid onions and possum? Didn't think so. See what I mean???

Bud if you wanta keep thinkin' that a pizza is Mars, knock yerselves out....

Me and Rufus knowz better...
