The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65798   Message #1088359
Posted By: PoppaGator
07-Jan-04 - 07:32 PM
Thread Name: Music is 'The Word'?
Subject: RE: Music is 'The Word'?
Sorry I was away from this thread for a while.

Amos, your point (from way back when, immediately after my previous post early in this discussion) is well-taken. I agree with you to this extent: that which is meta-scientific (metaphysical) certainly should not claim the mantle of science.

Daylia [OK to capitalize at the beginning of a paragraph?], you're welcome. At the time, I was concerned that the first several responses to your lovely post were so negative, and I just wanted to say *something* to weigh in on the other side of the scale. Since then, of course, many more positive comments have been contributed.

Why would any of us even *be* here if music were not some kind of spiritual nourishment? What possible tangible reason could there possibly be for our common and intense interest in certain combinations of sound waves, existing only in the fleeting moment? It can only be explained by assuming that some non-physical aspect of our selves, built into our shared human nature by our common source (whether called "Creator" or "evolution"), craves and thrives upon such sensations and the sharing thereof.

I don't think any science can explain that.