The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65865 Message #1088372
Posted By: Bob Hitchcock
07-Jan-04 - 07:50 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Right Said Fred-what are they moving?
Subject: RE: Origins: Right Said Fred-what are they moving?
You Could very well be right Murray. I remember the song from the late 50's and/or early 60's, I think it was quite popular on "Childrens Favorites" on the BBC hosted by Uncle Mac. By the way, when Uncle Mac retired, he moved to our village in Sussex to spend his remaining days, and as a teenager I used to deliver his newspapers every day. Anyway, as I left school in 1967, I have never seen the book Joybell refers to, so maybe it is a piano trying to be a piece of ugly furniture waiting to be drooled on by Victoria on Antiques Roadshow.