The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65837   Message #1088412
Posted By: Bobert
07-Jan-04 - 09:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: False advertising by the RNC
Subject: RE: BS: False advertising by the RNC
Excellent piece of observation and writing, Don. Unfortunately, the folks you have framed so well won't read it because they know exactly what's going down and they don't want to be reminded that they are on the anit-human, anti-earth side of the equation.

I dare any of you right wing Bush apologists to read Don's post!!!

No, didn't think so... You don't want to hear it.

If I wanta get dem nigga's back on mah plantations, pickin' mah cotton, den you commie's ain'ta gonna stop me!

Oh yeah, like 1927, you'll melt it down an' ya better hope they'll be a FDR to save yer right winged asses next time 'round 'er it could easlily be blood bath: yours!

Jus' think about it...

When you have gotten enuff of "Southern Man's" maxed out and outta work cause you sent his job overseas, he'll have something fir ya that don't resemble the "Southern Stategy Pea-Under-The-Shell" crap you been feedin' him since Reconstruction...

Like I said, you'd better give what Don's talkin' about some thought before its too late fir ya. Yer way, way, way outnumbered and the way yer screwing over our Vets, push come to shove, they'll be gunning fir ya too...

Don't think so? Think about what has gone down in just 3 short years and mirror that into the future...

Better think twice...
