The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65865 Message #1088742
Posted By: Bill D
08-Jan-04 - 12:15 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Right Said Fred-what are they moving?
Subject: RE: Origins: Right Said Fred-what are they moving?
well, after reading this and having sung the song for many years, I have come to the conclusion that this 'thing' had a rating of about 1.26 LAC.
What the he** is LAC?...I'm glad you asked!
Many years ago, a friend and I were asked by a lady named Linda to bring in an air conditioner from a shed and install it in her window. It turned out that it was just about the limit of what we could handle, (being reasonably young, healthy, able men at the time.) We barely got it up the steps, turned it so it would fit thru the door and struggled down the hall to the window.
This experience prompted us to decide that, thereafter, one LAC (Linda's Air Conditioner) would become the standard reference for the limit 2 men of average competance could carry up stairs and thru doors, etc. So, from then on, plans to move something bulky led to conversations like this:
"Hey, Bill...I need help moving a dresser. Can you come over?" "I guess..what's its rating?" "Oh, about 0.72 LAC.." "Ok, that's not too it a .72 with DR?" (Door Removal)[note CAPS] "Nope..just 0.72 with dr" (drawer removal)
...and so on. A rating of 0.9 or more LAC usually required several 'cups of tea', or the local equivilent in colder beverages! A rating of 1.0+ LAC was best done with 3 or more bodies, hopefully NONE having the rating of 1.0 FRED.