The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65798   Message #1088853
Posted By: *daylia*
08-Jan-04 - 02:40 PM
Thread Name: Music is 'The Word'?
Subject: RE: Music is 'The Word'?
It's a pleasure to hear from you again, Poppa! And no problem, capitalize away!

I agree with you to this extent: that which is meta-scientific (metaphysical) certainly should not claim the mantle of science.

That is a point well-taken, and it's why I puzzled so long over the title "The Conscience of Love: Esoteric Perspectives on a Science of Consciousness".   If I hadn't come up with the explanation I posted above -- that the article is an esoteric interpretation of science, and not the science itself -- I'd have chucked the article and looked elsewhere for my musical-spiritual inspirations. I've always enjoyed science, have all due respect for the rigors of scientific discipline and methods, and I know what's "science" and what isn't! (at least, I sure hope I do by now!)

I was concerned that the first several responses to your lovely post were so negative, and I just wanted to say *something* to weigh in on the other side of the scale.

And thank you very much again for that! I was about ready to check out permanently (from the thread, that is) until I read your post. I thought I was "singing" to the wrong audience indeed -- and I'm so glad that's not the case!

Why would any of us even *be* here if music were not some kind of spiritual nourishment? What possible tangible reason could there possibly be for our common and intense interest in certain combinations of sound waves, existing only in the fleeting moment? It can only be explained by assuming that some non-physical aspect of our selves, built into our shared human nature by our common source (whether called "Creator" or "evolution"), craves and thrives upon such sensations and the sharing thereof.

I don't think any science can explain that.

Not yet, anyway.

Funny, I was just thinking this morning that Music might very well be the vehicle through which human consciousness evolved from that of "animal man" (ie our prehistoric ancestors) to homo sapiens. Once basic physical needs were met, making music together by singing, drumming etc ... (maybe even on the prototype of Snuffy's metaphysical bodhran? ;-) ... was probably the first uniquely human social behavior, the first activity to gel the awareness of individual human beings into a communal, shared consciousness.

Maybe making music together was the first "trigger" for the awakening of a rudimentary spiritual awareness in prehistoric humans, as well. It still plays that spiritual role for people today!

Linn describes a very real "need" to sing above, and I know exactly what she means. When I left my childhood Church to explore other spiritual paths many years ago, that was the one of the few things I missed -- the singing of the beautiful hymns and songs, in community. Even if the concepts or words don't resonate deeply with me any more, I still love to sing them -- just for the joy of singing! I still go to Church sometimes, to do just that. Linn's right -- except for folk circles and churches, where else is it appropriate to sing your heart out en masse?

Music isn't just a luxury or a pleasant pastime, although it's both of those. Music is truly the language of the heart, of the soul (forgive me for waxing poetic here) Music binds people together in community, and yes -- for me anyway, and I think for most of us here, it is very much a NEED.

Michael, akenaton -- I LOVE what you've said about Music and Love. :-)
I'm still drawing a bit of a blank when I think about Music as the "Conscience of Love", as presented in the article, but it does bring to mind something I read many, many years ago. Sorry I don't know who to credit it to, but it went

Music is Love, in Search of a Word

Sheesh, there's that "Word" again!!

Two Bears my friend, thank you for your input here! You know I have the greatest respect (and gratitude!) for the amazing and powerfully effective spiritual teachings/technology I've been learning through you over the last few months. At the same time, big warning bells went off when I read ...and that abundance of lifeforce energy can be photograpged by kirlian photography.

I know what you've said about life-force energy and healing is true, but that's only because I bit the bullet, tried it myself and watched it work many, many times over. I've got the healed slipped disc in my back to prove it! But it certainly would have sounded like just so much airy-fairy hogwash to me a few years ago, and that's most likely how it sounds to the majority of the good people here at Mudcat.

I don't think that methods like Kirlian photography meet the rigorous -- and absolutely necessary -- standards of the scientific community. Yet. If they did, highly intelligent well-versed and good-hearted people like Bill would not be scoffing at the notion of "auras", for example. I just hope I'll still be around if and when the earthly sciences finally come "into harmony" with the mystical, spiritual or "esoteric" wisdom that's been around for thousands and thousands of years ...
