The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65798   Message #1089071
Posted By: Two_bears
08-Jan-04 - 07:36 PM
Thread Name: Music is 'The Word'?
Subject: RE: Music is 'The Word'?
> Two Bears my friend, thank you for your input here! You know I have
> the greatest respect (and gratitude!) for the amazing and
> powerfully effective spiritual teachings/technology I've been
> learning through you over the last few months.

Aloha nui loa Daylia; my sister.

It's my pleasure.

> At the same time, big warning bells went off when I read ...and
> that abundance of lifeforce energy can be photograpged by kirlian
> photography.

You can go online and see the difference in the field around a Reiki master's or Qigong masters hands when they are at rest and channeling the energy. The field is about 3 or 4 times as wide, and with a lot more colors like pink, blue or green showing up in the field around the hands or fingers.

There are kirlian photos of a Reiki Masters hands on page 20 or so of the book "Empowerment Through Reiki" by Paula Horan.

> I know what you've said about life-force energy and healing is
> true, but that's only because I bit the bullet, tried it myself and
> watched it work many, many times over. I've got the healed slipped
> disc in my back to prove it! But it certainly would have sounded
> like just so much airy-fairy hogwash to me a few years ago, and
> that's most likely how it sounds to the majority of the good people
> here at Mudcat.

When I became a Reiki master in the late 1990s; a friend told me "Go to Huna because that is where the real healing is." I did some research into HUNA, and told my friend "Not only no but hell no."

Simply as a test; I put HUNA to work, and I started observing real miracles happen occasionaly.

> I don't think that methods like Kirlian photography meet the
> rigorous -- and absolutely necessary -- standards of the scientific
> community. Yet. If they did, highly intelligent well-versed and
> good-hearted people like Bill would not be scoffing at the notion

Some people are sincere skeptics, and that is great! In 1973 when I was being trained in three forms of Qigong; I was skeptical to the max, and I thought Tsang was the largest crackpot ever to walk the earth. At the time; my western trained mind could not accept the notion of the energy he called ch'i. That was until I saw him do things that were supposed to be humanly impossible

> I just hope I'll still be around if and when the earthly sciences
> finally come "into harmony" with the mystical, spiritual
> or "esoteric" wisdom that's been around for thousands and thousands
> of years

I think you will see science and metaphysics get a lot closer together in a few years.