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Thread #65837   Message #1089330
Posted By: GUEST,Teribus
09-Jan-04 - 07:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: False advertising by the RNC
Subject: RE: BS: False advertising by the RNC
MGOH, beat me to it - death camps formed part of the Nazi's "final Solution" and were not introduced until 1941 (If memory serves me correctly). So by the time camps were established in Poland, SAC's facilities in Poland had been commandeered by the Nazi's for about a year and a half. Which means that GWB's Grandfather could hardly be held responsible for their management.

Bobert, it would appear that when you refer to Nazi's, you actually are referring to fascists, as all those you name are non-German and were not members of the Nazi Party.

The book you refer to, makes mention of one, Reinhard Gehlen:

"The most important Nazi employed by the U.S. was Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler's most senior eastern front military intelligence officer. After Germany's defeat became certain, Gehlen offered the U.S. certain concessions in exchange for his own protection."

During the latter stages of the Second World War, US representatives, at the Yalta Conference, started to have doubts about Soviet intentions. Churchill had been warning the Americans for quite some time but his warnings had been ignored. By the time the Potsdam Conference took place, the Americans fully realised that the Russians were indeed a threat and discovered that their intelligence on Russia was deplorably lacking. No existing agents, no networks in place, no contacts - the USSR was in effect an intelligence black-hole.

That situation had to be remedied - enter Reinhard Gehlen - he offered the Americans everything they lacked - personally I believe he was one of the best con-men of his age, a brilliant opportunist and born survivor. He knew that neither the British or the French would entertain him, they didn't need to, but to the US Intelligence Services of the day, he must have appeared like the answer to a prayer. The result, the Americans took him hook, line and sinker. But his function was to maintain and develope espionage networks in eastern Europe and in the Soviet Republic, not run the Republican Party.