The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65485   Message #1089349
Posted By: Steve Parkes
09-Jan-04 - 08:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is there life on Mars?
Subject: RE: BS: Is there life on Mars?
Arnie: more on that weight limit ... in this week's New Scientist, the Beagle team said if they could have had another 5kg (11lbs to you & me) they could have fitted a radio beacon or tracing device, but there wasn't any to spare above their 62kg limit (137lb, ot just under 11st). The NASA lander weighed around 800kg (1700lb), by comparison.

We're waiting to hear the results of yesterdays "super-sensitive" scan by Mars Express. See here for latest news.

(The New Scientist article isn't on their website, so I can't link to that.)
