The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13284   Message #108953
Posted By: Tony Burns
27-Aug-99 - 09:05 AM
Thread Name: Traveling with Guitar
Subject: RE: Traveling with Guitar
I was discussing this with Bob Franke last week. He took his Gibson out of its case and showed me the nasty, fixed crack all the way down the back of the neck. He had had it fixed but did not do the cosmetic work so the scar would be a reminder. He said he tried to claim for the repair via the airline but was told he hadn't loosened his strings enough and so it was his fault. Now we are in a new arena. Larivee says to leave them tightened but if you do that the insurance company may not compensate you if there is a problem.

btw - Bob was loosening his strings as he told the story. He said the theory on loosening strings is that when there is jarring and bouncing there is less tension on the neck and therefore it will take the abuse better. Bob now only takes one guitar if he has to fly.