The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65865   Message #1089699
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
09-Jan-04 - 06:14 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Right Said Fred-what are they moving?
Subject: RE: Origins: Right Said Fred-what are they moving?
Ah... Memories..

There was the time that we needed to move a sorting frame. This was sitting on a table. It was about 3-4 ft high about 6-8 inches deep, and about 5 feet wide, made of sheet metal. It had lots of individual "pigeonholes", wherein incoming invoices and receipts were alphabetically and numerically sorted, awaiting association with orders for material, in order to arrange payment.

"We'll get some 'boys' from 'The Store'", said the Boss - I worked in the Supply Dept office.

They arrived. 'Fred's (as per the song) all.

"We'll empty out the papers", said the little chief sorting clerk.


Right, said Fred....

Several burly arms grabbed the table on which the paper filled sorting frame rested.

Unfortunately...... no one had remembered the bowl of pins (used to attach papers together) resting on top of the sorting frame.....

Lurch went the whole top heavy loose contraption...

The bowl of pins hit the floor, and sprayed everywhere...

If you ever saw Charlie Chaplin on skates...

Well.... nobody actually fell, and they didn't actually DROP the whole thing, but they managed to spray the papers about as the whole thing lurched about the room...

BTW, I was trained as a Safety Officer.... but I was only a spectator...

Fred was in charge...

And my office fellow workers wondered why I was helpless with laughter for about 15 minutes, and was not capable of working for a few hours, collapsing in laughter, time after time...
