The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65837   Message #1090167
Posted By: GUEST,Frank Hamilton
10-Jan-04 - 06:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: False advertising by the RNC
Subject: RE: BS: False advertising by the RNC
Two Bears,

No, there may not be any pix of Hitler there. But this was meant as a hypothetical statement. If there were it could be construed by this kind of logic that they endorsed it.

Move On does not endorse any ads having to do with comparing Bush to Hitler. The fact that the RNC says that they do is an example of dirty politics by intimation in the worst tradition of Lee Atwater and Karl Rove. The idea that they endorse such ads is an abject lie and is being used in an underhanded way by the RNC.

They are not distributing this on their website. Go to their website and look. You won't find it there.

You will find however the ads that won the contest and they are worth looking at and taking to heart.
