The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65837   Message #1090707
Posted By: Bobert
11-Jan-04 - 08:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: False advertising by the RNC
Subject: RE: BS: False advertising by the RNC
Yo Doug,

I am bombarded 24/7 with your sides PR barage so I think under the equal time doctine you should read the book that discrobes how facsists allied to Hitler found their way into your party but I'll tell ya what....

....I'll read one of yer danged books if you'll read one of mine!


I find it very strange that the RNC jumps in so quickly on a commercial submitted to and rejected by that eludes to the similarities between Bush and Hitler. Coule it be that the RNC is hypersensitive to the similarities and wants to nip this in the bud before people actually get to the pont where they stand back and go, "Yeah, their do seem to be a lot of comparisions here! Hmmmm?"

Now we discover that Bush was Hell bent on attacking Iraq 3 danged days after taking office? And yhis after criticizing Clinton for using the US military in nation building during the campaign?

Now me and the Wes Ginny Slide Rule been workin' on this one and we're in agreement that Bush is both a liar and a man who gets his jollies outta sendin' *real* service people out to whack folks...
