The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64644   Message #1091196
Posted By: John MacKenzie
12-Jan-04 - 12:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Scots impose regime on England
Subject: RE: BS: Scots impose regime on England
Lots of thoughts on this one, there's the fact that the Scots regiments being mostly infantry, paid more than their fair share in the body count in previous wars, so perhaps they're owed. Then there's the fact that historically there were only two classes in Scotland, working, and ruling. This was a fine recipe for Socialism and it was perpetuated by the English as a means of keeping the unruly Celt in his place, so that is where the strength of the Labour vote originates in Scotland. Tony Blair [a Scot] is very gratefull for this fact, and the token devolution that exists now is Labour's way of keeping the bolshie Scots Labour MPS quiet, and neutralising the SNP at the same time. On the question of subsidies from England, I'm not sure that apart from the fiasco called the new Scottish parliament building, we cost the English money. Tourism, oil, and whisky alone generate many billions of pounds in Scotland, and if we got the benefit of the taxes raised, we'd be quite well off.
Of course there's also all the money to be raised from the issuing of visitor's visas!!