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Thread #64644   Message #1091575
Posted By: GUEST,Teribus
12-Jan-04 - 08:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Scots impose regime on England
Subject: RE: BS: Scots impose regime on England
In England it's the FA because they invented the game called soccer. There is however an English Rugby Union, Scottish RU, Welsh RU and Irish RU. Which is odd for the English invented that game as well.

In golf there is no British Open, the major based in the British Isles is simply called "The Open", probably because it was the first, there is an English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish Open.

I can remember having a chat to an English Nationalist (as distinct from BNP) who reckoned that with Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales cut loose, and with none of their representatives in Westminster, England would be a damn sight better off and it would never have to suffer another Labour Government.

Couple of good points made there Kevin.

Akenaton - I would say that the flow of population would suggest that more Scots move down to England than vice-versa and on the last count the population of Scotland was falling. So stick it out mate, prices will start falling soon enough, especially if the SNP get in.