The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64644   Message #1094552
Posted By: Gareth
16-Jan-04 - 07:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Scots impose regime on England
Subject: RE: BS: Scots impose regime on England
Hmmm ! I might have my doubts as to how much popular demand there was for develution in Wales and Scotland - But hell, we have it so, that we have to make the best of it.

What the nationalist "bunnies" seem to forget, as Sledge correctly points out, is that industrial and demographic changes are not confined to Wales and Scotland.

Just to remind 'Catters - What happened to industry in that theoretical essance of England, Kent.

No Coal Field, no cement works of note, steel ? Paper Mills ? - Gone !

Incidently when you look at the percentage of the County Land Area scarred by industrialisation Kent was more heavilly scared than, say Glamorgan, Durham or Lanarkshire.

Shipbuilding, Fishing, Explosives Factories, Railway works ? Gone, or reduced to a shadow !

There is a problem, but putting on a Red/Blue Rugby Shirt and getting p*****d on International Match days ain't the answer.
