The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65592   Message #1094901
Posted By: The Stage Manager
17-Jan-04 - 12:28 PM
Thread Name: New year in St Albans
Subject: RE: New year in St Albans

You're forgetting all the fun! Last night Breezy hijacked a hotel restaurant and then commandeered every seat from the adjacent bars that wasn't actually bolted to the floor. Most of the 'regulars' and Friday night punters had to drink standing up in 'The Hart' last night, Strangely, they didn't seem to notice.   

Despite a slightly late start due to a couple of particularly obstinate diners who refused to acknowledge the frenzy of furniture shifting going on around them, Jeremy Taylor gave a great performance to a packed and appreciative audience.

To finish off a perfect evening, Breezy announced that it was definitely undecided where we were off to next week, but tantalisingly gave us a list of possible venues. The suspense is building already. Bet you're missing it all really. I can't believe it's actually happening.