The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66133   Message #1095526
Posted By: GUEST,Boab D
18-Jan-04 - 11:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Questions to ask Telephone Solicitors
Subject: RE: BS: Questions to ask Telphone Solicitors
The one that I use is just so obvious that they hang up straight away and I love it.

I just go "excuse me if I want to but something then I would go and buy it. However I do not want to but things during my evening meal nor do I think that you would good night." That has never failed to get them off the line in a hurry.

You could also use the old "Hello trading standards office" I think that would work quite well too.

I just think if you are in your house then you have every right to be rude to anyone who interups your evening as they know what time it is and know exactly what you will be doing at that time of night and should be prepared for the stick that thay recieve. I know they aer trying to earn a living but I'm trying to eat.
