The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51378   Message #1095625
Posted By: Little Hawk
18-Jan-04 - 01:23 PM
Thread Name: what's the worst song you ever heard?3
Subject: RE: what's the worst song you ever heard?3
Well, I was down to Toronto yesterday, cruising the hobby shops and looking for bargains in model airplanes. I walk into "Wheels and Wings" and what do I hear? "The Sound of Music." Yes, it turned out that a young woman on the staff there had rented the movie, and they were playing it VERY loud over a large TV that is mounted up on the back wall of the store.

I hate every single song in The Sound of Music with a passion. Those songs have been driving me mad ever since I was a kid.

"These Are A Few of My Favourite Things" tortured me for the next few minutes while I was trying to look at model kits. It was soon followed by "Doe, a Deer" or whatever the hell it's called. AAAAARGGHHH! The misery of it all! Who would write such dreck? And why?

I tried desperately to shut it out, and kept checking out the model prices, but my concentration was badly off.

It went inanely on and on until finally another customer asked if they could please turn the sound down. Somebody went over and stopped the movie in mid-tremolo...and a spontaneous cheer arose from the 5 or 6 customers scattered around the store. Apparently I am not the only person who hates "The Sound of Music".

They forced us to sing that stuff in school too. I bear emotional scars to this day. :-)

- LH