The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64644   Message #1095742
Posted By: The Stage Manager
18-Jan-04 - 05:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Scots impose regime on England
Subject: RE: BS: Scots impose regime on England
Having genes 'in both camps' and having lived in on both sides of the Tweed, I can only wish that the Scots could actually impose a regime on England, it would undoubtedly make the country a better place to live in.

However, the general consensus in the parts of Scotland I have lived is that they would actually be happier, if not necessarily better off, if they were separated from everything south of the Tweed, (or in some cases the Great Glen).

I found myself deeply embarrased and angered when moving into some temporary accommodation on the Black Isle, my partner and I found ourselves being welcomed to the "English Enclave". It is easy to understand why many English people moving into the Highlands earn themselves the soubriquet "White Settler". Frankly, it is the way they behave and the attitude they bring with them.

I don't expect many of you contributing to this thread to agree with me. Sorry, I don't give a toss. My observation is that Westminster has had far too much influence over what happens in Scotland for too long. Much of it for the worse, and often imposed through sheer ignorance of the impact. Either that, or it was introduced in the interests of the 1% of who owned some 80% of the land.

Now that the tables are turned, be it ever so slightly, I find the cries of 'foul' very amusing indeed. Long may it continue.

The phrase "Chickens coming home to roost" springs to mind.