The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13366   Message #109584
Posted By: catspaw49
29-Aug-99 - 08:34 PM
Thread Name: Wow what a summer!!
Subject: RE: Wow what a summer!!
Considering that on May first I was unconscious and on a vent with a lot of Docs making gloomy predictions to Karen, this was a great summer. As the song says, "I just can't afford to die!" Thanks for all the multi-religion prayers and support once again group. Today I was playing with the boys outside the nursing home where Karen was visiting with Grandma. I beat them in several 40 yard dashes and really wasn't winded at all.......surprising them, Karen, and myself. Last week the family Doc says, "You REALLY DO have REMARKABLE recuperative powers!" When he said it, I'm proud to say, I had the best response possible.........."Yeah Doc, I got Mudcat."

We did take it a little easier at first, but we've done some camping and gotten quite a few pesky things done around the house. I did make a little progress on moving and reorganizing the shop and just yesterday bent the sides for 2 hourglass Appalachians.......It's been a long time.............was nice to start back a bit.

The kids were gone for 2 weeks with their aunt and Karen and I enjoyed the time, although we missed the kids. We took the one weekend to go to Niagra Falls and spend the day with Rick and Heather Fielding. It was a high point for us, because we felt as "unemcumbered" as a couple of childless 25 year olds.....and we realized again how close it had been in May and how much we mean to each other. And of course Rick and Heather were wonderful...well at least Heather was. I was also fortunate to meet Cara when she was home here from DC. Sadly, we couldn't make a couple of 'Catter get togethers that sounded so great, but we are looking to an even better Fall, my favorite time of year, and a couple of camping trips, including the FSGW in October.

I hope to have the shop finished by October since I stupidly took a couple of Hammered orders that have to be done by December. The kids are in school, Karen and I are both feeling great mentally and physically, we've got some plans for the future we're working on.........Folks, it's been a DAMN FINE SUMMER!!!
