The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65467   Message #1096855
Posted By: Mark Dowding
20-Jan-04 - 04:26 AM
Thread Name: Harry Boardman CD
Subject: RE: Harry Boardman CD
Thanks Barb'ry. Hope you had a good birthday as well on the 17th - and I hope you liked the CD that Andy bought for you!

Thanks for the kind comments Mary. Harry's performances have obviously influenced the way I sing the songs but it wasn't the intention to do a "Stars in their eyes" with this but we did want to capture the spirit of the original recordings. I do a double take when I hear our version of "Merry Little Doffer" - Jenny Shotliff's fiddle is very similar to what Bob Diehl did. Les Bond had a similar reaction when he played "Hand Loom Weavers' Lament" on Lancashire Drift a few weeks ago. Listen in to Radio Lancashire at 8:00pm on Thursday to hear myself and Chris Harvey talking to Les about this project.
