The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13381   Message #109711
Posted By: JedMarum
30-Aug-99 - 10:23 AM
Thread Name: Is Lyric Creep a Sin?
Subject: Is Lyric Creep a Sin?
After reading the lyrics posted for many of the songs I have been singing over the years, I am forced to face the fact that I have frequently changed lyrics to suit my tastes. It's not that I wasn't aware of the odd time or two when I couldn't find the verses and I made up one or more to go with the old - or when I just plain old made up verses to add my own thoughts - it's that I have 'evolved' songs over the years to fit my emphasis or phrasing and until I re-read the originals, was blissfully unaware of my changes!

Please tell me this is why we call it folk music, and that I do not have to reveal this old habit in my next confession!