The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13366   Message #109713
Posted By: Guy Wolff
30-Aug-99 - 10:27 AM
Thread Name: Wow what a summer!!
Subject: RE: Wow what a summer!!
HI Kat<<>>> Yes Tovah Martin {Who was at Logees} is an old friend and has latley moved near me to Roxbery Ct. We have been talking about doing a book on the history of garden pots in the US and CAnada, if we can ever find the time!!! I used to bring pots to her on the way out to visit Allen Haskle the topuary man out in New Bedford Mass. I am so sorry I never got to Caprilands. I hear she is not with us anymore and Im shore I would have liked her. I love the Mystic area..My best friend growing up was Donny Wimfpheimer over in Stonington and we had lots of fun around there in the sixties and seventies..We used to go down to Union Grove from Stonington every year untill that got to big... Thanks for the nice words and I look forward to meeting you whenever you may come through..{I am 8 miles from White Flower Farm wich has its own draw} and 14 miles from Sandy and Caroline { much more of interest!!!!}