The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66216   Message #1097365
Posted By: GUEST,Frank Hamilton
20-Jan-04 - 03:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry takes Iowa
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry takes Iowa
I think that Kerry with Edwards VP can take Bush.   Kerry puts his money (his own) where his mouth is.

It's not all about issues. It's about style. Kerry listens, is low-key (some say boring but I say thoughtful), forceful when he needs to
be, calm under pressure (something I think a Pres needs), talks with authority as a war hero (Bush is AWOL national guardists... so who would make a better commander-in-chief?),is on top of all of the issues not just Iraq.

I believe Kerry was wrong to vote for the Patriot Act but he is concerned about the issue of security. I believe he was wrong to vote for the Iraq resolution but so does he, now. He admits it was a mistake. (Someone who admits a mistake...refreshing in politics).

Kerry could handle the Northern vote, Edwards could shore up the South very much like Kennedy/Johnson.

Dean has not gotten his message out on other issues aside from the Iraq debacle. He was described by one lady at the Iowa Caucus as a
"cocked pistol". She switched to Kerry. Style.

Edwards is refreshing but comes across as young and inexperienced.
Style. Kucinich is sanity in the wilderness but is painted as too short, too kooky (you know these vegetarians are a Commie plot),
and no "Mo".

I agree with the Republicans on this list that want Dean. It would be a cakewalk for W. But Kerry can beat Bush, especially with Edwards. I'm for Kerry.

Hey y'all, what do you like about music? Personality and style?
Why should it be any different in politics?
