The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66230   Message #1097366
Posted By: GUEST,guest from NW
20-Jan-04 - 03:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help a Conservative Republican Vote Demo
Subject: RE: BS: Help a Conservative Republican Vote Demo
"As a veteran, I strongly considered Mr. Clark. His credentials as first in his class at West Point and being a Rhodes Scholar were very impressive. He seems to have a problem telling the truth much like Mr. Clinton, another Rhodes Scholar. Yet another great conundrum: wise, educated men who are very untruthful and of flawed character. I just don't understand that. I do understand Mr. Bush. He is transparently uneducated, dishonest, and a fool. He believes God speaks directly to him and that he is following God's direction."

where's the contest? as you just said " wise,educated,untruthful, flawed character" vs. "uneducated, dishonest, fool, believes God speaks directly to him". choice number two has no possible upside and is a pretender to the defense of your conservative values and, if given an actual election to claim as mandate, can do untold damage to our system all only to enrich his cronies. i'd say vote for whichever dem wins the nomination and take your chances. you can't do worse than this puppet who will go down in history as the worst and most corrupt president in our history, all the while claiming to be more "moral" than his predecessor.