The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66230   Message #1097701
Posted By: kendall
21-Jan-04 - 05:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Help a Conservative Republican Vote Demo
Subject: RE: BS: Help a Conservative Republican Vote Demo
Cruiser, I was a Dean supporter and a contributor in the beginning. However, the cracks began to show, and when he lost it with that republican shill who heckled him, that told me he is not the man for the job.
Edwards would be my first choice, but he lacks experience. Kerry has a REAL military record; he didn't dodge the draft and join the national guard, then go AWOL for a year.
I did not watch the state of the union address because the very sight and sound of this lying phony is more than I can stand.
My party will caucus next month, and I will be in Kerry's corner. I'm convinced he is the only one who can beat Bush. Hell, all he has to do is compare his military record with the Shrub's!