The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66148   Message #1097811
Posted By: Big Mick
21-Jan-04 - 09:45 AM
Thread Name: Are We having fun as Fascists Yet (at Mudcat)
Subject: RE: BS: Are We having fun as Fascists Yet
Roger, in typical demagogic fashion, you have created a false premise and then try and cause folks to debate it so it becomes truth. It is not OUR forum. It is Max's forum. He pays the freight, he keeps the server running (a particularly tough problem these days), and he devotes the time. There is some financial support (Friends of Mudcat are doing a spectacular job), but the bottom line is that this is his baby. Not OURS. Quit trying to create a false predicate.

The Mudcat serves many purposes. One of those is that it seems to provide an outlet for your lack of other things in your life. Fair enough. But don't expect us to sit back and buy into your amateurish and childish schemes. You have had some issues (PEL, for example) that some of us agreed with you on. I even sent the requested emails on your behalf. But a broken clock is right twice a day. I would tell you to take a rest, but you thrive on that. So instead, I will just tell you that I understand your need for attention.

I sure wish you would get a lover, or a hobby, or something.....
