The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66248   Message #1097928
Posted By: Big Mick
21-Jan-04 - 11:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Should I be flattered?
Subject: RE: BS: Should I be flattered?
Hold it, folks. Lepus is right to be offended. I did accuse him incorrectly, and I find it necessary to apologize publicly. LR, I made a mistake.

You are not blameless in this. Your history of inflammatory posts certainly contributes to a reputation, but you generally do identify yourself. I am sorry for casting aspersions on you, however.

By the way, LR, I am not paranoid or delusionary about your intent, or WAMSO/Matriot's intent. The record is pretty clear. For whatever reason, you both have an axe to grind here. I wish that were not so, but clearly it is. I don't even have a problem with that, per se, but when anyone assumes several identities, answers their own questions, and attempts to draw unsuspecting folks into the argument so the original poster can get their kicks by spreading dissension, I do feel compelled to jump in. This has been WAMSO/Matriot's tactic, as well as several others. As best as I can tell, it has not been yours. Generally, you have come at it straight up. That is your right, and at least one knows when they are dealing with you.

I made a mistake, and I apologize. I hope you will accept it.

I am very sorry to hear about the tragedy in the loss of a loved one. I lost a beloved cousin recently, and the pain is tough to deal with at times.
