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Thread #66230   Message #1098202
Posted By: NicoleC
21-Jan-04 - 05:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help a Conservative Republican Vote Demo
Subject: RE: BS: Help a Conservative Republican Vote Demo
Cruiser, Kerry is in many ways an old-fashioned style liberal. And I mean "liberal," not "progressive." He's quite a bit to the left of Dean, who isn't very leftie at all. Kerry may not be your kind of candidate, despite his admirable service record. In truth, Clark probably seems the best fit for you, at least from what you've said here.

Although among major candidates my views most closely align with Dean, I've said from the beginning that I smell a rat in Dean. He talks a good game, but his views frequently change depending on what he thinks his current listener wants to hear, and while lambasting Bush for $2000 a plate fundraising dinners in order to raise $50 pledges on the internet, that hasn't stopped Dean from having plenty of his own $2000 dinners. There may be nothing wrong with that, but I think there is something wrong with being a hypocrite about it. I find Dean deeply disappoints me.

Yes, yes, I know Alice. You think he's sliced bread. I don't :)

I'd still vote for him (or any other yeller dog except Lieberman) instead of Bush without thinking twice about it, but Kucinich will be getting my vote in the primary. Even in the unlikely scenario that Kucinich won the nomination and the election, he might turn out to be another Carter. But hey, the world needs more Jimmy Carters anyway, right?