The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66261   Message #1098396
Posted By: Bobert
21-Jan-04 - 09:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Latest Excuse for Invading Iraq....
Subject: RE: BS: Latest Excuse for Invading Iraq....
What the heck is going on here, anyway? All of a sudden we got all this "White Room" stuff going on with whomver it was that was talkin' backwards????.... Like, if you all think yer backward stuff is out of my reach consider this... Iz a proud menber of the Lexdexic Society. Backwards is my middle name... Ahhhh, unless, ya' just start in the middle an' work yer way to the edges...

Ahhhh, BTW, word on the street is that after the Clinton excuse is proven to be yet another Bush fabrication, he's going to blame Mickey Mouse fir making him invade Iraq. This one ougttta be purdy danged interesting...
