The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66230   Message #1098423
Posted By: GUEST,Johnny in OKC
21-Jan-04 - 10:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help a Conservative Republican Vote Demo
Subject: RE: BS: Help a Conservative Republican Vote Demo
Cruiser, you are a conservative. GWB (I can't bring myself to call him President either) is not a conservative. A Trillion dollar deficit? -- you can't call that conservative.

So just tell your friends you're a Conservative Democrat, and vote democrat. What's the problem?

If it's not too late to do so in your state, register democrat. If you like Kerry, vote for Kerry. He may be Skull & Bones, but at least he can pronounce "nuclear".

I'm still for Howard Dean. So what, if he gets excited? If you want "reserved", you could wind up with someone like that model of propriety, Martin Van Buren, now universally recognized as our most forgettable president.

Regarding the Electoral College ... I believe some states divide their electoral votes in proportion to the people's vote, and other states are "winner take all". Someone please correct me if I'm wrong!   

I wish they would do away with winner-take-all. It might have made the difference in the 2000 election.

Thanks, Cruiser, for your excellent post!