The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15959   Message #1098505
Posted By: GUEST
22-Jan-04 - 12:06 AM
Thread Name: Origins: I Had a Hat when I Came In (J Mooney)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I Had a Hat when I Came In
I guess I am a little late to add my two cents, but here goes. In the late 50's and early 60's I used to accompany a performer, Andy Kerrigan (NYC), who used that as his big production number at Irish concerts in NY. (I completely forgot the verses.) He had a crumpled old hat he used as a prop, and just at the spot many have noted he would jump in the air and scream the line. It always brought the house down. He would stop in the chorus and do a mumbling meditation on how unproductive it was to get upset, etc.

This period predates the Irish purists. We performed the music because it was fun, and we had fun performing it. The thought of 'traditional' was unheard of!

When I hear the purists I always think of the answer Louie Armstrong gave when querried about folk music. He said he ain't heard any animals write music.