The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59367   Message #1098668
Posted By: Dave Bryant
22-Jan-04 - 09:37 AM
Thread Name: Knockholt, Kent (festival)
Subject: RE: Knockholt, Kent (festival)
Linda and I should be there. Do remember that my 60th (well 59.975) Birthday BBQ will be two weeks earlier than this weekend on Sun 6th June, but by Knockholt I will actually be an sexagenarian - eligible for a bus pass. 0n the weekend in between we plan to be at the Moreton Village Festival (near Ongar, Essex) - a great little weekend.

I will be quite happy to bring the small PA (only 30w per channel) and a couple of radio mikes again for the nightime sessions - I think that it worked well last time (the autumn session). I know that one of the organisers was against the idea - what's the general opinion ?   Even I find it a hard push singing without a mike out in the open, and many singers are likely to be virtually inaudible without a small amount of amplification.