The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66227   Message #1098746
Posted By: The Stage Manager
22-Jan-04 - 11:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush and the State of the Union
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and the State of the Union
I heard the speech on the BBC World Service, the bedside radio woke me up. It reminded me of nothing so much as those old Soviet Politburo meetings where the leader speaks and everyone applauds dutifully and overlong every 30 seconds or so. It took me a couple of minutes to realise that this was a live broadcast from America and not a recording from the old Eastern block or China. It sounded just the same. Bush seemed to be speaking in the rhythm of totalitarianism. He'll be banging tables with his shoe next.

To me, it seemed Orwellian in more than one way: Pigs, to humans, humans to pigs. The enless war reports and descriptions of hollow/mythical victories.

I heard a BBC report today that said Bush is the best recruiting sergeant Osma bin Laden and Al Quaeda ever had. Funny to think that OBL and AQ gain from having Bush in power. Then they've got time on their side, and are no doubt considering their best moment for future action. After that speech I honestly think they're laughing at him and at America.