The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66247   Message #1099061
Posted By: Bobert
22-Jan-04 - 05:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are we still having fun as Fascists Yet
Subject: RE: BS: Are we still having fun as Fascists Yet

And as for positives, the KDF-wagen (Volkswagen). It was to be produced by the "masses" and were to be purchased over time as folks made payments into their KDF books. Please don't ask me what the KDF stands for but the English translation is something along the lines of "Peace Thru Joy"..

BTW, no cars were ever actually produced for the masses but I don't doubt that Hitler wanted to see one in everyone's driveway. Well, everyone who was in with in the in crowd. It was the English who occupied Wolfsburg who made the greatest strides in making VeeDubs what they would later become: mass produced great little cars.


I very seldomly find myself disagreeing with you but progressives have been shy about standing up when it counts and have been *out-frames* on issue after issue, choosing to counterpunch rather than taking on the right in a frontal manner. And look where it has gotten us... It's way past time to put the right wing on the defensive and get the masses thinking in a space defined by progressives...

Jus' my opinion, my frined. I don't spend no time worrying about you havin' my back 'cause I know yer heart...
