The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13190   Message #109956
Posted By: Rick Fielding
31-Aug-99 - 12:33 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Mean Talking Blues (Woody Guthrie)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Mean talking blues--Woody Guthrie
Dick. I want to thank you your thoughts on those times and places. It's interesting to me that with all the reading I've done on the resurgence of old time music I've never once seen anything in depth about the personal relationships between the rural old time players and the young city fans (and collectors). I gather that many of the latter were Jewish (and from the north) and that initial meetings might often be strained (to say the least) and I wondered how the folks involved got around the cultural issues.

In an article, Ralph Rinzler was quoted as saying that he didn't find the "usual southern attitudes towards race" in Doc Watson. I suspect from what Frank said earlier that a thick skin and willingness to laugh (at least on the outside) was very helpful at times.

Steven Calit talks at length about how he viewed the personal relationships between black blues artists and the white collectors in his book on Skip James.

It's not an easy issue to talk about, so thanks.
