The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66316   Message #1099621
Posted By: Amos
23-Jan-04 - 09:14 AM
Thread Name: New uses for old string?
Subject: RE: New uses for old string?
Doncha hate it when people take the kindness of strangers as their due?

They can be used (the lower three) for removing finish from chair rungs and in the grooves of figured wood. They make handy garrots, as mentioned above, and can be used for executing hamsters condemned to hang by the neck until dead for revolutionary activities. There is no end to the things that you can hange up with them, including sidearms (tied through the trigger guard with a slip knot) and they are handy for keeping large stacks of bank accounting reports in order for storage. They make fine temporary mouse-leashes and can be used to catch certain sorts of very heavy fish. Modelers can use them to represent cables in biplane construction, bicycle spokes, car antennae, and the like. If one has a fully plumbed dollhouse woth thousands of dollars at risk of ruination because of backed up drains on the second story, what better tool than a used "D" to snake the tiny pipes right out? I understand that the Tin Woodman uses them as Q-tips, cutting off three inches at a time. They make excellent laces for very hard shoes such as those worn by full-suit divers. They conduct electricity and can be uised to fashiuon emergency fuses, and in some cases to blow fuises on important circuits such as burglar alarms. They are excellent for putting out an opponent's eyes and in emergencies can serve as temprary tourniquets. They can also be pressed into service as temporary jewelry for social events which have caught one unprepared, or to prepare purse-clasps and extremely small steam engines.

These are just a few uses which come to mind.
