The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66326   Message #1100155
Posted By: LadyJean
24-Jan-04 - 12:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Thanks to the Deaniacs!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Thanks to the Deaniacs!!!
The "Angry Dean" you saw after the Iowa Caucuses was shouting to be heard over a crowd of supporters. The camera crews were able to cut out the background noise, so they could hear what Dean was saying. In the process they made Dean look like someone from the WWF. He came in third in the caucuses, so did Clinton. In 1988, Pat Robertson came in first in the Iowa Caucuses, making me very nervous. But Bush Senior got the nomination that year. (I would take Bush JUNIOR over Pat Robertson.) I'm still working for Dean. I know enough history to know generals don't make good presidents. Besides, Clark sort of rubs me a bit wrong somehow. It's instinct, but I have learned to trust instinct. So, I'm still working for Dean.