The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65592   Message #1100327
Posted By: breezy
24-Jan-04 - 09:23 AM
Thread Name: New year in St Albans
Subject: RE: New year in St Albans

8.15 4 'impact-man' prov unless sold 1st

Chris F was on fomr last night 3 more songs that entertained us.This guy used to play the Troubadour with Winsor and Sullivan.

Only 24 for Winter-Wilson

Next Friday BOB FOX at the comfort, ticket sales steady.

Already had pledges for 'spots' tomorrow from 5 directions.
As I'll forfeit, I may not get to do one at all!!

Say it and you'll be fined!

Please Ross, pay in advance for Martin so he has peace of mind.