The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66232   Message #1100721
Posted By: musicmick
24-Jan-04 - 09:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pete Rose - Yes or No ?
Subject: RE: BS: Pete Rose - Yes or No ?
Hi Ron,

Actually, Baseball is much more affordable in terms of ticket prices and availability. I do agree that the NFL and the NBA are more interesting spectacles because their salary caps keep the teams competitive. When the Yankees, with their huge TV revenues, can spend two or three times what smaller market teams can, competition is next to impossible. In this area, the union is at least as much to blame as anyone. Sports are unlike other businesses in that without viable competition, they can not function. Thus, conflict of interest and collusion among the owners is required for survival.
If you want to get on a social/sports bandwagon, join me in insisting that the Hall of Fame list all batting and pitching records that were accomplished before integration (1948) the same way they do with pre-1900 stats. After all, Josh Gibson hit more home runs than Ruth or Aaron and, if MLB doesn't choose to recognise his career numbers they can hardly recognise Ruth's. In the past 55 years, the best Black players have equaled and surpassed the best White players. Obviously, Blacks were always as compitant as Whites. MLB just pretended they weren't. A chance in the record books would be a more fitting memorial tribute to Jackie Robinson than a stamp.