The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66359   Message #1101230
Posted By: akenaton
25-Jan-04 - 07:32 PM
Thread Name: What is Burns Night?
Subject: RE: What is Burn's Night?
Raedwulf ...The reason Scots are so miserable,is that everywhere they look they see the English!!
Anyway.. about a year ago ,I was doing some roof work for an old man,who lived a few miles away. After I had finished I had a wee crack with the auld yin, and we got talking about Burns's poetry and life. The old man invited me into his house for a drink ,took me into the sitting room and showed me an old wooden chair. It had wee short legs and a high slatted back, obviously very old.
The man said to me "sit down on that chair ,Ill get something for you to see".He left me for a few minutes ,and returned with a hand ful of paper which proved the chair to belong to Jean Armours family,and had origionaly been in Burns's family home.The old man explained that his late wife was a descendent of the Armours,and had been left the chair.
The old man told me ," theres no doubt that chair your sitting on once supported Rabbie himself.......Magic....Ake